Here is the long ago promised photo of my February Lady's Sweater. The photo is crappy because of the lack of natural light in the house. It is getting close to sunset and it is overcast and rainy outside. Not a good day for photographing anything, let alone a black sweater.
I'm in the process of binding off the lower edge. I'm hoping the sleeves will go quickly. I have 3 small balls of the yarn left. I'll take the two that are closest in size and use each to start a sleeve. I'm hoping to get about the same out of each ball. The third ball will be used to finish the sleeves. I'm guessing it will end up with 3/4 length sleeves. My goal is to get it done while it is still Februrary.
This morning I dug out a pair of socks that have been hibernating for a while. I'm almost done with one. The socks were originally started as a 2-at-one-time project, but I screwed up the heel of one so I had to unload one from the needle and finish the good one alone.
I have a 3rd project that is close to finishing. It is an afgan that I started years ago. It's one of those knit until you run out yarn projects. Great for winter evenings in front of the TV. Tonight will be one of those nights.
I'm anxious to get back to knitting regularly. Work has seriously interrupted many aspects of my life. I am working on a project to convert my company's financial systems to new software. We have 18 months to complete the work. It is a HUGE undertaking. I've spent the past 6 weeks in training to learn the software. Classes would run from 8:30 am until after 6:00 pm everyday. I'd come home from work with just barely enough energy to make dinner. After dinner I'd spend a little time chatting with friends on Facebook and then go to bed. Since training is now over, I'm hoping to regain some mental focus in the evenings.
Here's hoping that some aspects of my life come back into my control!!