Work is a big pain in the butt! I can't remember if I've mentioned it already (forgive me if I have) but I'm on a HUGE project to convert the company's financial systems and business processes. The Go Live data is October 1, 2010. The pace is exhausting and the documentation requirements are extreme. The project management having us document everything, sometimes multiple times in different formats. It is hard to keep up on top of being in meetings for over 7 hours a day. Lately I've been working close to 48 hours a week. I come home in the evenings with barely enough energy to cook dinner and check up on the kids and their homework.
I am gratefull that I do have a job, though. A good friend of ours lost his job last month. He's had a few leads but they were all on the East Coast. He and his wife don't want to think about moving or having him commute long distance yet. I just keep praying things turn soon.
Ed's job is in a precarious state right now. His company has announced that they are trying to sell off the division he is in. Until a buyer comes forward, we don't know what it means. If it gets bought by a smaller company, Ed thinks he'll be safe. But if it gets bought by a larger company, he thinks he'll be out of a job when the companies get merged. The third possibility is if no buyer comes forward. In that case, a lay-off is possible if his company decides to consolidate resources.
On to happier news.
I finished my February Ladies Sweater. You can see pictures here. I love it.
I am now working on Decimal. It is coming along nicely. I love the border pattern.
I hope to have this completed soon, so I can where it during the warm weather.
Speaking of weather, today is a beautiful day. I'm off to enjoy the nice spring day. Hope you can too.
My daffodils aren't blooming well this year. Here's one of the few that flowered. I need to find out what's going wrong.