Tuesday, August 26, 2008

An Official Diagnosis

For about 4 years I've been having irregular cycles. I've gone through a series of tests and procedures, but the doctors never were able to find anything wrong. I suspected I was perimenopausal, but my hormone levels were always in the normal range when tested. Well, about the time we were on our trip out west this summer, I started having hot flashes. Not just one or two a day, but rather 8 - 12 a day and night. It has been completely miserable. I haven't been able to sleep more than about 90 minutes at a time through the night. A couple weeks ago I decided I had enough suffering and called the doctor again. This time the blood test came back indicating I'm menopausal. I haven't had a cycle since May, if you would even call what it was in May a real cycle.

It's funny but this bit of official news has hit me harder than I would have thought. I'm 44 years old. Not really too young for this, but not the expected age either. I'm shouldn't be surprised because my maternal grandmother was 42 when she hit menopause. I'm going through all kinds of emotions right now. On one hand I'm glad I don't have to deal with things every month. On the other hand, I feel like I've aged in an instant. I know a lot of this feeling is due to my lack of sleep and my overly emotional nature of late. Now comes the hard decision about what to do to about the symptoms. I have one of three choices:
#1. Just put up with it like I have for the past couple months and hope the hot flashes don't continue for years like I've read that they could!
#2. Talk to my doctor about HRT. This option is not appealling because my mom had breast cancer and I really don't want to willing do anything to increase my odds.
#3. Try a natural remedy. My doctor recommended a couple brands to try. I did a little investigating on the internet and they both seem to have favorable reviews. I'm trying one to see if it works. According to what I've read, it can take about a month to notice any reduction in my symptoms. Believe me, it won't come too soon. I'm purposely omitting the names of what the doctor recommended until I decide for myself if it works for me or not. Stay tuned. Hopefully a favorable recommendation will be coming soon.

Now, to the fun part of the blog. Around the chaotic activities that are 'back to school' I have been working on a blanket for my niece who is due to have her first baby (the first great grandchild for my parents) in September. below is the first section of a blanket for the baby.

The beginning
Originally uploaded by katschem

This is based upone Elizabeth Zimmerman's Knitted Garter Stitch Blanket from The Opinionated Knitter. I'm following Meg Swansen's recommendation to have different colors in some of the areas. It will have blue in it in addition to the yellow and green. I just hope I can get it done before the baby arrives.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Finally Finished

Originally uploaded by katschem

Over the weekend I finally sat my bum down and finished Valpuri. Seaming has never been my favorite, and it still remains so. For the most part I'm happy with the final product. I wore it to work on Tuesday. If I were to do anything different, it would be to make the body a wee bit longer. I am short wasted, but with my fat stomach, I felt like the ribbing hit at a very unflattering spot. The yarn is a cotton blend, so I don't know if it will grow much. A little would be nice.

Back to school activities are well underway. Both girls made their school's volleyball teams. Dancer is giving up dancing and dedicating herself to volleyball. I'll have to think up another moniker for her, since VBGirl has dibs on that one. Dash is anxious to get back to school. He's been a little bored lately. It will be nice to get a routine established. However, I doubt that will happen until volleyball season is over in late October.

I'm still 'training' for the half marathon. My training isn't progressing according to any prescribed schedule. I'm trying to get my miles in, but life seems to always get in the way. I still feel like I can walk 13 miles without the hard core training. The event organizers are allowing an average 20-minute mile pace. While I'm walking, I'm averaging 17 minute miles. I'll do fine, I think.

Ed's Ironman is less than 3 weeks away. He's in the final phase of his training. He's cutting back on his mileage and focusing on storing energy. He's beginning his race preparations also. My next post will probably be after that event.