Sunday, August 28, 2022

WIPs All Around

 Works in Progress is the theme right now.  Grandbaby - In Progress, New House - In Progress, Projects - In Progress.

Still waiting for my grandbaby to arrive.  I'm not feeling as anxious as I felt a week or so ago.  Maybe it is because I know that by this time next week he'll be here.  If he doesn't come earlier, my daughter is getting induced on Friday.  Constant prayers are going up for  a safe delivery and healthy baby and momma.

With working from home I don't get out of the house often.  Ed does the grocery shopping, so my trips out are usually just to church or the gym, which I recently joined and am still trying to develop the habit of going to.  Yesterday I went over to Trisha and Craig's for the day.  We went to an apple farm to buy some produce.  I came home with a big bag of Gala apples.  I also bought a butternut squash.  Butternut squash soup is on the menu tonight.  Yum!!

After I left their place I stopped by the house to check on the progress of the build.  Craig and Trish go by often, but I haven't been there since mid-July.  The framing is done and the roof is on. I really wasn't supposed to go inside, but since no one was working I took a little tour around the house.

This is the view coming out of our bedroom and looking out the family room windows.  You can see the pond in the back.  Across the pond is an area we have been told will someday become a park.  I hope so.  I really want the view to stay like this.  Waking up to this every morning is going to make me very happy!

I have to get myself moving on packing things up.  I think Ed is starting to get a little impatient with me.  He is reminding me that we need to get the pieces of furniture that we aren't taking listed for sale.

I finished the A Study In Pink sweater.  I made a couple modifications.  First, I didn't knit the bottom hem as long as the pattern states.  The sweater was long enough for me already and I thought the wide hem took away from the lace.  Second, I added an inch to the sleeves before binding off.  I don't like showing my fat upper arms.

Overall, I'm happy with how it turned out but there are a few things that take away from this being perfect.  First is the yarn. I used Diamond Sock from The Knot House.  It is lovely yarn but is a bit itchy for me.  Positives for the yarn is that it is well plied and the color is lovely, although I did realize after I was done that one of the skeins was not quite the same as the other two.  I'm pleased with the fit. Because my gauge was little off from the pattern, I knit a size smaller than I would if I had gotten gauge.  It fit through the torso perfectly.  The neck opening is a bit wider than I like, but I can live with that.  If I make this again, I may make the neck opening a little smaller and then increase up to the correct size before the lacework.  But I'm tired of knitting sweaters from fingering weight, so there is no plans at this time to knit this again.

My Ranunculus is coming along.  I haven't been monogamous with this so it's not getting done as quickly as people say this pattern can be made.  I am loving how the fabric looks.  This will be a fun thing to wear when it's finished.

One of my favorite YouTube channels to watch is Arne and Carlos.  I got hooked on them during 2020 when they were doing their daily Sit And Knit For A Bit videos.  Back then I started working on the Astri blanket.  It's a stash-buster project to use up a bin of Knit Picks Palette that I bought years ago.  Last week on their channel, Arne and Carlos announced that they have hit 150,000 subscribers.  To celebrate, they asked for photos of projects that people are making/have made using their patterns.  Here is my submission.  Squeaks had to pose with the flowers.  She's such a diva!

Since I've been packing, I've been organizing all of my WIPs.  Instead of casting on a new project, I've pulled a couple hibernating projects to work on.

The Beeline Shawl was started back in 2020, but got put aside because the lace was complicated and my brain wasn't up to it.  It definitely isn't TV knitting.  I'm trying to get a couple rows of this done each day just to make progress on it.

I don't have a picture yet of the other WIP I am going to work.  It is the Sixty Years sweater.  I started it back in 2019 using some Amano Yarns Puna.  I haven't restarted it yet because I want to finish the Ranunculus first.  Stay tuned for updates on it.

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