Monday, September 1, 2014

Goals for September

Something is happening around here.  It is something that I haven't encountered in a long time.  It is both strange and wonderful.  This something was caused by the following:  my girls are out of the house and at their respective colleges, my son is busy with school and his part time job and hunting season started today for my husband.  For the first time in 21 years I HAVE TIME FOR MYSELF!!!

Ahem, sorry.  I didn't mean to shout that.  But I am excited.

With the potential of extra time, I am setting some goals for myself during the month of September.

Goal #1:  Finish Trisha's afghan.

I've begun the last row.  I'm averaging a block a week.  Getting it completed by the end of the month is very doable.

Goal #2:  Exercise at least 30 minutes each day.  I have a library of DVDs.  If I can't get myself motivated to go to the gym, I can at least pop one of these in.  Today I did the aerobics workout from this on.  It feels good to start the day with a good sweat.

Goal #3:  Read this behemoth.  I'm working on getting my Project Management certification.  I'm taking an intense boot camp class in October.  It is recommended that I take the exam within two weeks of the class.  This book will preview the concepts for me before the class and hopefully improve my chances of passing the exam on the first try.

Goal #4:  Sit in my sun room and spin.

The red item in the picture above is a travel bag for my spinning wheel.  Later in September, one of my sisters and I will be taking our mother and one brother to Virginia to visit another sister.  The sister in Virginia is the one that taught me to spin.  I'm taking Lena along for some sisterly spinning.  Patty says she has a couple extra wheels that our mom and sister can use.  Maybe we'll make spinners out of them.

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